Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday on a Saturday Night

I am still not feeling right from the accident on Thursday and forgot all about the blanks this week.  I just logged on to do a post about my amazing cousin Justine Davidson who recently took a stand for women's reproductive rights at UBC (University of British Columbia), she has started a blog, you can read the full story here.  I am so proud of her and amazed by her.  Her Mum, Gail Davidson (she is everywhere on the internet), is a truely amazing human being and it would seem, that Justine, the youngest of 17 grand children, 4 in her home, is following in Mum's giant footsteps. So proud of my naked cousin!

Source: via Tina on Pinterest

Now on with the blanks...

the little things we do

1. My favorite color is was always pink for as long as I can remember.  I feel a little disloyal saying it but I really love orange, red and green too.

2. My home decor color palette includes a lot of everything.  I love colour and have a hard time choosing.  The main living areas of our home are warm colours, reds, golden yellows, beige, and green - upstairs the bedrooms are like an Easter basket.  I am all over the map.

3. Other people always tell me I look good in dark oranges and bright blues.  Good thing because I have about two things that are not red, orange, blue or pink.

4. The color I detest is ... I used to say purple but the new shop is purple and I love it.  Maybe dusty rose, but even that is okay if sometimes.  There really is not colour I do not like at least a little.  I own a quilt shop and design patterns for a living - I freakin' LOVE colour.

5. If you were to look in my closet most of the colors you'd see  neutral bottoms - denim, black or khaki and the brightest collection of tops from turquoise to salmon, from bubblegum to tomato.  I love colour!

6. A color that I simply cannot pull off no matter how hard I try is yellow.  Not that I try.  I don't know any complexion that looks good in yellow.

7. The color of my favorite dress is turquoise and white, floral of course.

I need to relax, I am starting to feel like dirt again.

Tomorrow, I promise to have something with a pin! :o)



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