Saturday, March 10, 2012

31 Days of Pinterest, A Sweet Angel's Wish on Day 10

Source: via Tina on Pinterest

She told me she has been wishing for a unicorn forever - a real unicorn, not a stuffed one like the one she got from Santa last year.

I once caught her looking in the mirror at herself and saying "I don't look any different than a regular girl."  When I asked her what she meant she said that you could not tell by looking at her that she had super powers.

On her fourth birthday she came running in our room in the morning saying, "Mumma, Mumma I don't look any different and my jammies still fit!"

We call them Victoria-isms and there are so many of them we have lost count but even at almost seven her imagination combined with her flair for stating the obvious is spectacular.

My precious daughter. :o)



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