Monday, September 19, 2011

My Poor Neglected Blog Needs a New Post

I have not been writing very much lately. I have been feeling very reflective and tend to bottle.  I have been spending time with my kids and trying to decide what I am going to do with my life. I have been thinking long and hard about keeping the shop. Do I or don't I? I really and truly do not know. I love the good parts but I am so tired of the bad and I would really love to spend more time with the shorties.  It would be different if it was more good than bad but with the economy the way it is... well, you know.

SO, I will keep on keeping on and see what happens. The things is, the bottom line is; I love working for myself but I am at a point in my life were I need and want a steady income that comes without a struggle.  I am a sucker for free advice so if you have any you want to give, lay it on me!

Shortie #1 when he was still short!  The Little Man was a 29 preemie but took no time to "catch up", this is at about 5 months. I could not love him more than I do today - oh wait, yes I could cause I will love him even more tomorrow. 

:o) Tina


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Ooh! Please write something. Please. I would LOVE to hear your comments!