Friday, June 8, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

I am not sure this is a good change - but Lauren at the little things we do has had a baby and is maybe not up for the blanks anymore...  The fun, simple blanks have become one blank and chance to write - more of a writer's prompt than a blank.  I like to write - that is not the problem - in fact the problem is the opposite.  I tend to write too much and I liked the blanks because they offered a little lightness and I could make my answers long or short, ramble or not, now I will almost be forced to ramble....

Anyway, on with the show.
I started blogging to increase flow to my online shop, which is currently in a state of suspense and not open to the public.  I continue to blog in hope that someone, somewhere, enjoys what I write because I enjoy writing it. I can talk about myself, or others, I can whine or brag or gloat or rant  - I can write whatever I want to write.  It is like therapy.  And I have come to love it.

I don't care if no one reads - although I LOVE getting comments and always hear about people have 'blog' friends - I don't but would mind if I did. 

I have had a long and tiring week and don't have much more to say about this today.

See yeah!  :o)



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