Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Grandma

One of the things I miss most about my Grandma - who would have been 85 on July 26th - is her coffee.  I am not much of a coffee drinker but hers was yummy, especially with (gasp) Coffee Mate in it.  Yummy yummy.  I used to sit at her table with her when I was a young adult drinking coffee, sharing my "tailor made" (Gasp) cigarettes and listening to her stories late into the night.  I loved it.

I miss a lot of things about her.  She was a pretty interesting lady. She lived a lot in her youth - the day she died I found out that at one point she ran off with the circus.  I cannot even imagine that, I was wild when I was young so I can imagine me doing it but I cannot imagine my Grandma doing it! She is my Grandma!

It's a bummer she is gone because she would have gotten a kick out of my lovey short people.  She claimed to hate hugs - be we all knew it wasn't true. She just felt the need, for some reason I will never understand, to act tough.

Hey Grandma - I heard how you talked to Auntie Terry's dog. I saw how much you cared and pretended not too when I brought those stray kittens home. You are not a tough guy at all. You never fooled anyone who loved you.

Miss you lady.  xxoo T.


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