Friday, February 10, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

Happy Friday!! this weekend is the Little Man's birthday party... should be interesting - more than one tween boy at a time can be challenging to the ear drums.  I always imagined myself with lots of kids, I guess I imagined girls - quiet girls. :o)

1. I started my blog because I thought it would bring traffic to my online store - which I have since put on temporary hold. Funny thing is, I almost never talk about my creative side or the shop and more often than not use it as a place to talk about things in my life - happy or sad.  It has become my favorite place to experiment with writing, to talk about what is bothering me, to share something funny, and to, as corny as it is, just be me.

2. One thing I love seeing on other blogs are stories that are real and vulnerable and show me that the author of the blog's life is not perfect, you know, the blogs where people share little parts of their lives and it makes you feel as if you are getting to know them and that you are not the only one who struggles a little bit each day.  The perfection of others makes me feel even less perfect.  At 38 and 11/12 you think I would be over my insecurities, but alas I am not.  I really like to browse creative blogs with lots of great toots and images, one of my favorites is How About Orange which I have not been visiting as much since Pinterest took over my life.

3. Something I love about blogging is that it is comfortable place share and vent and put the inner me out there with little danger of repercussion or judgement. Although, last week I heard the horrible news that The One Whose Name We Dare Not Speak has read my blog, but other than mentioning it to PITA she hasn't said anything to me - if she called I would not answer so perhaps she has not bothered.

4. A favorite blog post of mine is probably the day I made a request for a Pinterest invite and got one right away. Lame, I know. I just REALLY love Pinterest. PITA's list of things about me would be my favorite but she hasn't handed it over yet.  (PS I would love to pay it forward so if you are still trying to get invited, message me and I will happily share.)

5. Something my friends in real life know about me that I've never before mentioned on my blog is ... I have to ask them cause I think that I am pretty open here. So I just asked Jen who is sitting across the room from me and she said that I have "quite a sense of humor" and here I thought I was the only one who thought I was funny! When I told her that I had mentioned that here before she said, "Well, you are much more compassionate than you let on." (sshh don't tell) and then she said "You have never mentioned your cup addiction either." Hahahahaha.  That my bloggy friends is a whole blog post in itself!

6. My new favorite blogs to read are mostly those which I covet and aspire to be. I have not been spending my usual 40 hours a week in front of the computer so I would have to get back to you on the specifics of this one.

7. Some things I tend to avoid doing on my blog are being  vulgar.  I can handle negative cause no day is perfect - especially in my poverty stricken, husband on a disability, teenagers who hate me, parents who are on the verge of disowning me (over money), family members who are evil, etc. world.  Despite all of these things, I do see the silver lining more often than not but if you do not get to see both sides you do not get to see the big picture.  Having said all of that, you don't need to see it with anything beyond a PG rating.

Have a wonderful Friday!  :o) Tina


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