This has been a FABULOUS week! Seriously. I got my settlement from ICBC. I got a real job... I think I mentioned it before. I wanted it and now it is mine. I am not going to lie, I am a little leery. I have had way too many I-wanted-it-but-it-has-been-a-big-disaster scenarios in recent years. Out of the frying pan into the fire as they say. I am hopeful - and dare I say, a little excited!
1. My first memory is probably from whenI was about 4. My cousins had a Guinea Pig that they kept out in the yard, his name was Bert, and I thought that was pretty cool. When we got Guinea Pigs this year, I asked my parents about it and they said I was nuts - there was never a Guinea Pig at my Grandma's (my cousins lived with her) so I called the eldest of the three and he told me that they did have a Guinea Pig, named Bert, when he was 10 - which would make me 4. I remember loads of things from when I was 5 and from there onward. I actually have a ridiculously good memory.
I realize this is a crap photo, but that is one of our cats,
Violet (she is almost 2, but very small for her age),
having a sleep over at Jerry and Calvin's home. (Calvin is the one in the picture). This seems to be her
new favorite place to sleep and they do not seem to mind in the least. So typical of our house. :o)
2. My first love wasmy cousin Michael's best friend, Keith Lawrence. He had curly hair, big teeth and always wore a tennis visor - even to bed - I thought he was the cutest thing ever. I spent more time than I could calculate trying to catch him to kiss him! Lauren at the little things says that her first love was her husband... I have such mixed feeling about that. It is romantic and sweet but also a little sad - I think she said she got married at the ripe old age of 23... Not that there is anything wrong with any of that. I am just glad that I did such an enormous amount of living before I really settled down. I wish that I had not gotten married so young the first time (24) as I really knew myself and where I wanted to be and what I wanted from my life when I got married the second time at the old age of 34. H1 and I changed so much between when we met and got married and then went our separate ways. We were too young and selfish to grow together. I hope that all of my kids wait until they are at least 30. Just sayin'.
3. My very first favorite colour waspink. Still is but mostly because I feel like I need to be faithful to it - I am just that kind of guy - I also love red and green and turquoise and LOVE orange (my new secret favorite).
4. The first time I really felt like a "grown-up" waswhen I made the decisions to purchase Carter's Sewing Centre and move the shop down town. It was a huge decisions. Not the best one for my credit score but I learned a lot and made a lot of great friends that I will keep forever - no matter what!
5. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning isstretch and rotate my poor arthritic feet and ankles, I am a slow waker-upper so I tend to open my eyes a long time after my brain has started up.
6. The first CD (cassette tape, record, etc...) I ever bought wasBon Jovi Slippery When Wet. Okay, Nag is making me own up to it, it was Mini Pops... I am so old, it was probably the first mini pops. :p 7. My first car was a1986 Toyota Tercel hatch back that was lowered and had tinted windows and a 6 pack CD changer (very high tech for the day). It was H1's hand me down and I LOVED IT!!! He rolled it on his way to work one morning and although it does not put me in a very positive light, I gotta tell all y'all, I was more upset about the car than anything else. I had some really great times in my little Turtle.
Cheers to a wonderful weekend!
:o) Tina
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