Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days of Pinterest, Day 1

I'm doing it again! The Autumn always feels like a new beginning for me which is kinda strange considering everything around me is dying or going dormant but, heh, whatevs. ;)

So new beginning, this is so it, I'm back in. I am going to go all the way. I'm going to get back to my faithful blogging starting with a 31 Days kick off. So many pins - 2537 pins and 1612 likes; which are basically pins waiting to be pinned. I like to check out the link before it goes on my boards. Anyway, point being - that's a lot and I should use them - or at the very least entertain you with them! :)

31 days of Pinterest

Highly recommend it. It was easy to make and was delicious. As usually my shorties were luke warm on it but CH and I both loved it.

See you tomorrow! :) Tina


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