Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oops. Totally Forgot to Fill in the Blanks on Friday!

I totally forgot it was Friday when it was...  now here it is Wednesday already.  I wish I could say I was busy but the truth is I wasn't.  I spent the vast majority of the holiday season moping around my house trying to make a plan for my future.  Good news is - I think I have!  :o)

So happy New Year everybody - it is going to be great!

the little things we do

1. New Years is a super fabulous time for a fresh start. It is like opening up a notebook and writing on the first, clean, fresh new page. Love it.

2. One of my New Year's resolutions will be(is) ... well I don't like to make resolutions I make goals instead. This year I want to buy a new set of dishes that I love. I want to turn my financial and business life around. I want to create a new success for myself. And most importantly, I want to keep up the amazing personal life I that I cherish each and everyday.

3. A New Year's resolution I've made in the past was to lose weight, but I never really do.  I am not getting any younger and I know I should add this to my goals list but I eat when I am stressed, so if my goal of financial and business success works out I will lose weight as an added bonus.

4. The most time consuming resolution I ever made was ....I have no idea.

5. This year I will be spending (spent) New Year's Evewatching movies and eating popcorn with CH and the shorties. :o)

6. If I could wish one thing for my new year it would be that everyone remains healthy and happy and that everything at home stays as wonderfully amazing as it is (for the most part).

7. 2012 is going to be a super fabulous new beginning for the shop and a super fabulous happiness fest at home.

:o) Tina


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